I thought that might catch your attention. Well just for that, you dirty minded perverts, you can keep reading ! *********** The xenos knocked on the door. I opened it and observed a strange little man who clearly suffered from xanthodontous. He saw me looking and spoke, "The condition was caused xenogenously. I use saffron... Continue Reading →

Volks Wagen

Yes, I know, another double letter posting, but hey, who could resist the obvious here? After all, the VW Beetle was ubiquitous, until it wasn't, and now it is again. The car of the 60's hippy revolution and a rival to only the mini as the coolest car of all time. The original Beetle production... Continue Reading →


Time - that strange truth of the physical universe. It is absolute - a second is a second, a year is a year. Unless you are flying close to the speed of sound out and back to the edge of the Universe, time has the same value wherever you are in the world. Except it... Continue Reading →

Rambling Rant

Rambling Rants eh? Okay, so where to start? Well, the typical conversation starter will work: one thing Canadians have in common with English (apart from a hatred of the French – unless you’re French Canadian of course, in which case this hole is getting deep real fast. Time to stop digging!) – is they love... Continue Reading →


We all know the old riddle: which came first, the chicken or the egg. The more intriguing question is this: Is the fruit named for the colour, or the colour named for the fruit? And why are there no rhymes for orange? It's the strangest thing. And what's even stranger is that this website managed... Continue Reading →

Maccie D’s

Pop Quiz: What happened this day in 1955? Well yes, this is the day that Abraham Lincoln died from a mortal wound inflicted by a vampire he was hunting (what? Didn't you see the film). Oh, okay then. He was killed by an assassin’s bullet, fired by the infamous John Wilkes Booth. I’m guessing this... Continue Reading →

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