The Big Picture

One of the triggers for my decision to write The Best of You came by happy accident. I had been looking for pro bono consulting opportunities, and I came across Emo Ikede. After a few back and forth messages we agreed to meet for coffee. One of the first ‘getting to know you’ questions Emo... Continue Reading →

The Power of the Bucket List

  Visions are not just for mystics, presidents and evangelists. We can all have a vision of a better, brighter future for ourselves and our loved ones. It’s human nature to seek personal growth and improvement. Sounds too deep? Well let’s look at it this way. Did you ever plan a vacation? Do you have... Continue Reading →

Working hard at Procrastination

Procrastination. It sounds such a positive activity. How can you not be PRO-crastination! Verb; To crastinate:  to dither about doing anything other than what is required at that time. Presumably someone who does everything smartly to time, besides being anally retentive and a colossal bore, should be guilty of anticrastination. As I am a definite Pro... Continue Reading →

A Walk with The Old Man

The words could be written for Milo. Miss that old fella as much as ever.

Insecurely Confident


Overcast, but warm

The perfect day to share

We have always enjoyed our walks together

He and I


No longer young

He struggles to keep up

But the trail is clear and gently rolling


We used to traverse the woods

Over stumps and deadfalls

Ridges and marshes


These days we simply stroll

Enjoying each other’s company

And the sweet musky scent of the forest


Soaking up the moments we have left

For he is getting no younger

I see it in the gray of his whiskers

And the hitch in his giddy-up


He’s always there for me

And I am always there for him

** One of the best dogs I’ve ever had…. 

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